If Government Had to Run Their Business Like the Private Sector, Here's What Would Change


If Government Had to Run Their Business Like the Private Sector, Here's What Would Change

The comparison between government operations and private sector business practices is an intriguing one. While both entities serve different purposes and have distinct objectives, imagining a scenario where governments adopt the efficiency-driven approach of the private sector can offer valuable insights that could fix perceptional issues bureaucrats create by lifetimes spent on the public teat with minimal real world experience. The notion of government agencies functioning like businesses raises questions about effectiveness, accountability, and innovation. As we look at the 2024 election and the type of government the people want, lets explore the hypothetical scenario of governments running their operations akin to private enterprises and discuss the potential changes that would ensue.

1. Embracing Efficiency and Innovation

In the private sector, efficiency is a cornerstone of success. Businesses are constantly seeking ways to optimize processes, reduce costs, and increase productivity. If governments were to adopt a similar approach, we would likely see a greater emphasis on streamlining bureaucratic procedures. This could involve leveraging technology to eliminate redundancies, expedite paperwork, and provide citizens with quicker access to services. The adoption of innovative solutions could lead to a more responsive and citizen-centric government.  The private sector may face personal income increases of 2%, while governments consistently gorge themselves through transfers of private taxpayers savings to government reserves.  Imagine a world in which the bureaucrats had to account for and justify the money they take from the taxpayers.  

2. Performance-Based Accountability

Private sector companies are accountable to their shareholders, and their success is often measured by financial performance and growth. Translating this principle to government operations would mean introducing performance-based accountability measures. Agencies would need to set clear targets, measure their progress, and justify their budgets based on tangible outcomes. This shift could lead to increased transparency, reduced wastage, and a stronger focus on delivering tangible results for citizens.  Unelected bureaucrats are often lauded for simply performing their basic job duties.  Ironically, they often report to elected government boards run bi-vocationally by business owners who would fire their own employees for performance they find acceptable from higher paid government employees.  The change to performance-based accountability can come about by electing business leaders, not politicians.  

3. Customer-Centric Approach

Private businesses thrive when they prioritize customer satisfaction. In the context of government, citizens are the customers. A private sector-inspired government would prioritize providing high-quality services that meet the needs and expectations of the public. This could involve improving the accessibility of information, enhancing communication channels, and tailoring policies to address the concerns of diverse populations.  This is one of the largest perceptional jokes taxpayers have of government workers.  There are seldom examples of government workers who treat people like customers, and even more rare is the elected official who operates on any day other than election day as if they work for the people who elect them.  

4. Flexibility and Adaptability

The private sector is known for its ability to adapt to changing market dynamics swiftly. Governments, on the other hand, often grapple with bureaucratic hurdles that slow down decision-making. By taking a cue from the private sector, governments could become more nimble and responsive to emerging challenges. This might involve decentralizing decision-making, empowering local governments, and fostering a culture of agility.

5. Financial Sustainability

Private businesses operate within the confines of profitability, and financial sustainability is paramount. Similarly, a government functioning with a private sector mindset would prioritize fiscal responsibility. This could lead to a more disciplined approach to budget allocation, reduced wasteful spending, and a stronger focus on delivering value for taxpayers' money.  Look at your local government as they increase their income higher than your personal income.  That means you lose money under their leadership for the privilege of living in their jurisdiction.  They have an insatiable appetite for your money.  They think they're doing well if they balance a budget with higher spending and higher confiscation of your personal reserves.  Government in it's present form is not about running government like you'd run a business or your own household, because they have the sense of entitlement to an unlimited source of increases, from your personal bank account.  

6. Talent Attraction and Retention

The private sector excels in attracting top talent by offering competitive salaries, growth opportunities, and a dynamic work environment. To mirror this in government, agencies would need to revamp their recruitment strategies and provide meaningful career paths. Offering competitive compensation packages and investing in professional development could attract skilled individuals to public service, enhancing the overall quality of governance.  There's a misallocation of government wages, where the top fat cat administrative positions take an inordinate amount of cash while they routinely underpay the workers that do the actual work.  If you ran it like a business, you'd retain the best talent and routinely eliminate the underperformers.  It's difficult to get fired from a government job, and nearly impossible to get fired from a unionized government job.  The basic steps to align with the private sector would be to bust the unions, reallocate the administrative salaries, and terminate the underperformers.  

7. Outcome-Driven Policy Making

Private businesses thrive by identifying market demands and developing products or services that fulfill those needs. A government inspired by the private sector would approach policy-making similarly—by focusing on addressing societal challenges and achieving specific outcomes. This might entail a more data-driven approach to decision-making, incorporating citizen feedback, and regularly evaluating the effectiveness of policies.  Most government policy is ideologically driven with callous disregard for the perceptions of their own ineptitude.  During an election, they'll tell you what you want to hear.  The day after they're in office, with years worth of public compensation secured, it's routine for them to put their personal preferences over the needs, requests, and pleadings of the market.  And, incumbents face easier re-election prospects from people not paying attention.  If this were run like a private sector business, the customers would dictate the services.  The United States local, state and Federal government has become the inverse of market driven demand, with special interests driving nearly all agendas despite what is in the best interest or wishes of the majority.  

While the government and the private sector have distinct roles and responsibilities, exploring the idea of governments operating like businesses can shed light on areas where improvements are possible. Incorporating principles of efficiency, innovation, accountability, and customer-centricity could lead to a more effective and responsive government. However, it's important to recognize that the public sector also has unique obligations, such as social welfare and equitable service delivery, that must be considered. Balancing these elements would be key to creating a government that efficiently serves its citizens while upholding its broader responsibilities.

This was written from a place of wishful thinking should we ever resolve to re-think what this great experiment called the United States looks like.  Imagine if we had a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Most government workers would have to Google that concept to even see where it came from.  

(c) Tidings Media, 2023.  All rights reserved.  

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