Conservative Values, Proven Leadership: Stacy Geier Endorsed for Pinellas County School Board, District 5 by Tidings Media



Conservative Values, Proven Leadership: Stacy Geier Endorsed for Pinellas County School Board, District 5 by Tidings Media

Pinellas County, Florida - August 31, 2023

In the 2024 election for the Pinellas County School Board, District 5, a clear choice stands out for voters who prioritize conservative values and proven leadership. Stacy Geier, a dedicated advocate for quality education over ideology, parental and student rightsĀ and local community involvement, has garnered widespread support among grass roots conservative groups and is the ideal candidate to represent the residents of Pinellas County.

She is the only candidate running for Pinellas County School Board District 5 that has never been a registered Democrat.Ā Ā The other two candidates in the race either are currently registered DemocratsĀ (Brad DeCorte) or were earlier in 2023 (Katie Blaxberg).Ā  Stacy was an NPA before moving to Florida, where she registered with the GOP and became a conservative issues advocate.Ā Ā She was asked by several community leaders to run for the Pinellas County School Board.Ā Ā 

Stacy Geier brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the educational landscape to the table. With a track record of promoting traditional values and a commitment to academic excellence, Geier has demonstrated her dedication to shaping the future of Pinellas County's education system by running for School Board. Her strong belief in parental rights and local control in education resonates with the values held dear by the conservative community.

"I first met Stacy during the pandemic. While lots of people were locked down, Stacy was advocating at school board and county commission meetings for parental authority and body autonomy. She was a fierce advocate for our kids when we needed her. She shares our beliefs, our values, and our demand for academic excellence" said David Happe, Editor of Tidings Media. "Believe it or not there are candidates in this race for District 5 still advocating for mask wearing. Stacy was the ONLY candidate in this race, conservative or liberal, that stood with us then and stared down both the county commission and Pinellas County School Board. Stacy is the ONLY republican candidate for district 5Ā I have ever seen at any school board or county commission meeting. In fact, she spoke recently at the August 1st school board meeting, again advocating on behalf of sensibility and age appropriate school materials. Her liberal opponent was there donning a mask at the meeting, and her other opponent I've never seen at a school board meeting. I am not sure why anyone would ever run for school board without having ever even been to a meeting. At least the mask wearing liberal from the last election attends the meetings towards election time. If the liberals want to make this a referendum on wearing masks in Pinellas County Schools, District 5 will show up in droves. Candidates that have never been to a school board meeting are likely in it for reasons other than the children. The pay isn't that great, FYI."

Geier spoke many times over the past few years at both the Pinellas County Commission and School Board, including advocating against a lawsuit the Pinellas County Commission brought against the State. Geier's position eventually won, with the County dropping the lawsuit paving the way for Chris Latvala to secure the District 5 County Commission seat in 2022, in the district that Geier is now running for.Ā Ā 


As a long-time resident of Pinellas County and a Pinellas County Schools parent, Geier is well-acquainted with the unique needs and challenges facing the district. Her years of service as an engaged communityĀ  and churchĀ member, combined with her professional background, have equipped her with the insight and knowledge required to make informed decisions that benefit students, parents, and teachers alike.Ā  Her oldest daughter was educated inĀ Pinellas schools and now leads her own business in Pinellas County using the vocational skills she gained in PCS.Ā 

Geier's campaign platform is rooted in promoting academic rigor over ideology, safe and secure learning environments, and a curriculum that upholds timeless principles. Her dedication to enhancing vocational educational options and expanding school choice opportunities is a testament to her commitment to fostering well-rounded, successful individuals who are prepared for the challenges of the modern world like she did with her own kids.

The Pinellas County School Board District 5 seat, held since 2000, is ready for a new era of leadership that aligns with conservative values and priorities. Stacy Geier has the vision, experience, and dedication needed to lead the district towards a brighter future.

We urge all voters who value traditional values, quality public school core education, and effective principled leadership to cast their vote for Stacy Geier in 2024 election for the Pinellas County School Board, District 5.

Tidings Media has become the watchdog for candidate integrity in Pinellas County. As such, you will hear other names that will be running, either liberal or liberals masquerading as conservatives. We've checked out the other candidates both running and rumored, and you will see true conservative leaders uniformly backing Stacy Geier for Pinellas County Schools.

Mrs. Geier is Tiding Media's first endorsement of the 2024 election season for Pinellas County School Board.Ā Ā This article was not approved by her or her campaign.Ā Ā 

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