Anna Paulina Luna: Pinellas County’s Rising Star in Congress for Conservative Values and Local Interests


Since her election to represent Florida's 13th District of Pinellas County, US Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna has emerged as a rising star in the conservative movement, championing the values and concerns of her constituents in Pinellas County. Her freshman term in Congress has been marked by an impressive array of legislative accomplishments, bold actions to hold government officials accountable, and unwavering dedication to the principles that resonate deeply with the people who elected her. Luna’s first term has solidified her status as a hometown hero, fighting tirelessly for the people of Pinellas County.

Legislative Accomplishments: Defending Conservative Values and Local Interests

Anna Paulina Luna’s legislative work demonstrates her commitment to both national security and the well-being of her constituents. She has introduced and co-sponsored numerous bills that reflect her conservative values and her responsiveness to the needs of her district.

1. Family Reunification Act

One of Luna’s most impactful legislative efforts is the Family Reunification Act, which is designed to protect children from human trafficking at the U.S. southern border. This bill mandates DNA testing for individuals claiming familial ties to children, ensuring that traffickers cannot exploit the vulnerabilities of the immigration system. The act serves as a critical measure to safeguard vulnerable children while maintaining the integrity of U.S. immigration policies. Luna’s focus on this issue highlights her dedication to national security and the protection of innocent lives.

The Family Reunification Act was widely supported by conservatives who see the need for stricter measures at the border to prevent human trafficking. Luna’s leadership in pushing this legislation forward demonstrates her commitment to addressing one of the most pressing humanitarian issues at the border, making her a strong advocate for both the safety of children and the security of the nation.


Luna introduced the Preventing Rampant Online Technological Exploitation and Criminal Trafficking (PROTECT) Act to combat the growing issue of online child exploitation. This bill requires websites hosting adult content to implement stringent age and identity verification measures, thereby making it more difficult for minors to access such material and for predators to exploit vulnerable individuals. The PROTECT Act is a significant step forward in the fight against online predators and reflects Luna’s commitment to ensuring the safety of children in the digital age.

The bipartisan support that the PROTECT Act has garnered underscores the importance of the issue and the broad recognition of the need for stronger protections against online exploitation. Luna’s efforts to push this legislation forward highlight her dedication to addressing modern challenges in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

3. Do or Dye Act

In her continued efforts to promote public health, Luna introduced the Do or Dye Act, which seeks to ban certain artificial food dyes that have been linked to hyperactivity and other health concerns, particularly in children. The bill calls for the prohibition of these harmful additives, ensuring that families have access to safer, healthier food options. This legislation is part of Luna’s broader initiative to advocate for consumer protection and public health, aligning with her commitment to improving the quality of life for her constituents.

The Do or Dye Act is a clear example of Luna’s proactive approach to legislating on issues that directly affect the health and well-being of American families. By targeting harmful substances in food products, Luna is advocating for cleaner, safer food choices, particularly for children, who are most vulnerable to the negative effects of artificial additives.

4. Stop Spoonfuls of Fake Sugar Act

Luna’s focus on consumer protection extends to the Stop Spoonfuls of Fake Sugar Act, which aims to ban the use of high-fructose corn syrup in food products. This legislation addresses the growing health concerns related to obesity and diabetes, promoting healthier eating habits among Americans. High-fructose corn syrup has been linked to numerous health issues, making this bill a critical step in promoting public health and reducing the consumption of unhealthy, processed foods.

By challenging the food industry and pushing for legislation that prioritizes the health of consumers, Luna is taking bold steps to improve public health and reduce the prevalence of diet-related diseases. Her efforts demonstrate a strong commitment to the well-being of her constituents and a willingness to take on powerful industry interests to protect public health.

5. Veterans’ Rights Legislation

As a veteran herself, Luna has a deep personal connection to the issues facing those who have served in the military. She has introduced legislation aimed at reforming the Veterans Affairs (VA) system, with a focus on improving the quality of care and support for veterans. Luna’s experiences, including her husband’s injury in Afghanistan, have informed her legislative priorities, making her a strong advocate for the veteran community.

Her work in this area includes efforts to streamline the VA’s services, reduce wait times, and ensure that veterans receive the care they deserve. Luna’s dedication to veterans’ rights is a testament to her commitment to honoring the sacrifices made by the men and women in uniform and ensuring that they receive the support they need after their service.

For a full list of bills sponsored or co-sponsored by Freshman Congressperson Anna Paulina Luna, click here

A Champion for Veterans in Pinellas County

Luna’s dedication to veterans is deeply personal, stemming from her own experience as a veteran and her husband’s service in the military. In Congress, she has made it a priority to advocate for the thousands of veterans residing in Pinellas County. Luna has worked tirelessly to ensure that veterans have access to the healthcare, mental health services, and housing assistance they need. Her advocacy has led to improvements in the services provided by the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System, where she has been a vocal supporter of whistleblowers and has demanded higher standards of care.

Luna’s district office has become a resource for veterans, helping them navigate the complex VA system, secure their benefits, and address issues related to their service. Her hands-on approach and dedication to veterans have earned her the respect and admiration of many in the community.

Fighting Human Trafficking: A Relentless Advocate

Luna has also taken a strong stance against human trafficking, an issue that has plagued Florida and the nation. She has sponsored and supported legislation aimed at imposing harsher penalties on traffickers and providing more resources for victims. Luna’s advocacy has helped to bring greater attention to the human trafficking crisis, particularly in Florida, which has been identified as a major hotspot for trafficking activity. Her efforts have been recognized by law enforcement agencies and community organizations dedicated to combating trafficking, solidifying her role as a leader in the fight against this heinous crime.

Holding Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

In addition to her legislative work, Luna has taken bold action to hold government officials accountable, exemplified by her support for a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress. Luna accused Garland of failing to comply with a congressional subpoena during investigations into the politicization of the Justice Department, particularly concerning investigations into former President Donald Trump.

This resolution is part of a broader Republican effort to challenge what they view as overreach and politicization by the Biden administration. Luna’s involvement in this effort underscores her commitment to ensuring that all government officials, regardless of their position, are held accountable to the rule of law. Her willingness to confront powerful figures in Washington highlights her dedication to upholding the integrity of Congressional oversight and promoting transparency in government.

Championing Pinellas County’s Interests

Beyond her legislative achievements and accountability efforts, Luna has been a steadfast advocate for the unique needs of Pinellas County. She has fought to protect the county’s natural resources, particularly its beaches and coastlines, which are vital to the local economy. Luna’s environmental advocacy focuses on preserving these resources without resorting to higher taxes or burdensome regulations, ensuring that Pinellas County remains a top destination for tourists and a great place to live for its residents.

Luna has also been an outspoken supporter of energy independence, arguing that the United States should not rely on foreign countries for its energy needs. She has pushed for the restoration of oil and gas leases and the reinstatement of the Keystone XL pipeline, positioning herself as a strong opponent of the Biden administration’s energy policies, which she believes threaten America’s energy security and economic stability.

Support from Conservative Organizations

Luna has earned praise from various conservative media outlets and political commentators who recognize her efforts to challenge the status quo in Washington. Her strong stance on issues like border security, veterans’ rights, and government accountability has resonated with conservative voters, particularly those in Pinellas County who value her commitment to the principles of limited government and individual freedom.  Florida Republicans now have a 1,000,000 advantage in voter registrations over Democrats statewide, and that gap is widening. 

A Hometown Hero

Anna Paulina Luna’s first term in Congress has been marked by significant legislative successes, bold actions to hold government officials accountable, and unwavering dedication to the people of Pinellas County. Her efforts to protect children, support veterans, and secure America’s borders reflect her deep commitment to her constituents and to the values that make Pinellas County strong.

As she heads towards the November primary, Luna’s re-election campaign will likely emphasize her legislative achievements, her dedication to conservative principles, and her unwavering commitment to the people of Pinellas County. With her proven track record, Luna is well-positioned to continue her fight for conservative values and to serve as a powerful advocate for her community in Congress.

For the people of Pinellas County, Anna Paulina Luna represents a hometown hero—someone who has not only fought for their interests in Washington but has also remained true to the values that make their community strong. Her legislative record and her commitment to accountability and transparency in government make her an indispensable voice for the people of Pinellas County and a rising star in the conservative movement.

Tidings Media endorsed Anna Paulina in 2022, and we were right.  She's been the champion for Pinellas and for the United States that we hoped for.  Watch for continuing election coverage by subscribing free to Tidings Media.

Disclaimer: This article was independently researched, written, and published by Tidings Media. It was not paid for, influenced, or authored in collaboration with any political campaign, candidate, or affiliated organization. The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect the interests or endorsements of any political entities. The article relies entirely on publicly available information.

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